
/         drop stuff mayhaps  *   shy fingers  * 


@TTREACHEROUS  ; ;    /      i will literally take anything fjdjejej


How sad.... You lost all that you earned to the treacherous seas.... Quite sad. I could bring it back, you know, maybe not the people but the city? Mm. 


            //Yeah :") his gf was killed and she was like "no, let me enter the afterlife. Bring me back and I'll hate you forever" and he's never moved on. It's been like 26271 years and he's still not ok
            no u as the kids these days say


@blessedbethykingdom  ; ;    /      fjdjsj we love tragic backstories here
            this is why i hate gods  .  you're all so annoying  .  


            //Atekhramun is a dick for VERY good reasons I promise :")
            I've got nothing left to lose, nothing left to gain. You may think you're all high and mighty, you may think you're so much stronger than me, but you aren't. Truthfully you aren't. Whether karma comes for me or not is childish as it won't do much. Trust me. 


some kaliko headcanons :3 
          --   kaliko is a rather tall god  .   he's 6'11" but if he's roaming in the mortal realm  ,   he appears as 6'5" .  he's slender  ,   lithe  ,  but still rather muscular  /  toned  with light brown skin marred with almost tribal looking blue tattoos that symbolize his curse  .  kaliko has long black hair that falls in haphazard waves down his back with little braids here and there and hair decor like beads and shells .  one eye the color of mercury and the other a light blue both lined with long eyelashes . pouty lips and an almost pretty face always set in a scowl . 
          --  his real name isn't kaliko .  never goes by his actual name  &  never tells anyone it  .  
          --  atlantis was a booming realm before it was sunk  ,  crawling with all types of gods .  kaliko had several kids and one wife who he spoiled and loved dearly .  kaliko was arrogant though and sought out to conquer all the other realms so he could rule them all and he would have won too until someone struck a deal with chaos  (  the source of which all the gods leapt from  ) and in return, atlantis sank into the ocean and kaliko was cursed  ,   made to fulfill ANY wish of anyone who called on him with a flip of a coin that bears his name .  he cannot deny their wish no matter what it is.
          -- used to be a rather proud god, joyous, selfish, self centered just like any other god but now  ,  kaliko is just tired ,  defeated  ,   and bitter .  the wishes he's fulfilled and the things he's done has put a heavy weight on his shoulders .  


and  yet  you’ve  graced  me  with  your  presence  once  again.   don’t  tell  me,   you’ve taken  a  liking  towards  me?


@omniphobic  ; ;    maybe a little bit of both  but take it however you'd like though  .   *  the god gave a dismissive shrug of his shoulders   .  he was then silent for a moment   ,   almost appearing lost in thought before he held out an hand  ,   summoning a little red velvet pouch to which he then tossed to the witch *  there's one of my coins in there .  don't lose it  ,   i don't hand those out often .  actually  ,  never  .  i hate being summoned but when you think of something   ,   flip it and i'll of course come to grant it .  and don't waste it on summoning me just to see me .   my coins aren't easily found   ,   who knows when you might come across another one  . 


strange?   i’m  not  sure  if  that’s  supposed  to  be  an  insult,   or  if  that  was  some  sort  of  odd  compliment,   *   quinn  mused,   propping  their  chin  upon  the  palm  of  their  hand,   their  eyes  curiously  gazing  back  into  the  gods.   *   


@omniphobic  ; ;    gods   ,    if everyone who called onto me was like you   -   my job would be so much easier  .   *  he muttered softly   ,   giving a shake of his head  before folding his arms over his chest  ,   gazing at them with slightly narrowed eyes  *  you are a strange one  .  