
hello folks! im finally posting stories! im posting my nanowrimo story "Sealed with a Kiss" twice weekly from now on, and would love if you checked it out! 
          	- h.


Did we get an update or what happened with L&G?


Awh that’s sad. I rly liked it
            At least thank you for publishing it again and for writing as much as u did


@fooking_luvya i got bored writing it and decided to unpublish it bc its not finished, republished it bc someone was asking abt it ngl i doubt ill ever finish it tbh


I was just wondering what happened to the book about Lucy and Grace. If you could tell me where I can read it I will be the happiest person alive 


Omg thank you, you are truly the best. I loved reading swak. I finished it in 1 day . Thank you very much. And also I doubt that any book you write will be a disappointment


@Squeak65 hi! ill be completely honest with you, i started writing it and got bored, i didnt really like the plot/direction it was going in. however, just for you i have unprivated lucy and grace, although im afraid it will probably be a disappointment considering its only like 2 chapters long. im glad you enjoyed swak tho! your comments were a blast to read :D


Hi! I just read sealed with a kiss for the first time and it was incredible! I really love the fluffy story without all the unnecessary drama that some writers like to add. If you decide to rewrite the story, I'll be all for it! In the meantime I'm propably going to reread swak in the morning! Thank you so much for posting such an excellent book!
          PS to be completely honest I skipped through the Shakespeare monologue, so glad it's in cursive 


Hey! Just wanted to say that I just read Lucy and Grace, I loved that story! You're writing style is incredible! It gives off a short story and sweet vibe. I also love the characters a lot. Can't wait for the next update. I'm gonna read sealed with a kiss in the mean time! I'm sure it's gonna be just as good! Thank you for writing this! 


@Amy_Smithy where can I read Lucy and Grace. What is the name of the book


Hi! I just finished binge reading SWAK after seeing it at the recommendation, I just can't get enough of the way you write and how the story is so relaxed and chill, and so after finishing it (just literally a few moments ago) I hurriedly looked at your profile to see if you have other works. Thank you for your wonderful work and I'll definitely ne waiting for your other booksssss! 
          P.S. I just read the prologue of Lucy and Grace, is Grace a sister of Arisa? 


I'm kinda tempted to read 'sealed with a kiss' again for the third time. It's just soo good!! (No, I'm definitely not procrastinating and I would definitely not do everything else rather than continue writing on my on-going projects) Also I can't wait for a new chapter from your other story 'Lucy and Grace'!! :)


@atheniian Yes, third time! The first time I finished it in on who and couldnt quite comprehend how it amazing it is, so I read again and the second time I was even more enthusiastic about it and I still am! You're so welcome, I just had to say it. Your talent should definitely not go to waste and I hope more people will read it!! 


@everythingisaid THIRD TIME WHAT?? thats insane!!! ahh thank you so much!!!! ❤❤