
I’m contemplating rewriting my doctor who fic “the girl who never knew”. I have stepped back and looked at who I really want that main character to be, so some time this year I’m gonna try rewriting the whole thing and come at it from a somewhat different angle. 
          	I truely thing you all will find the new version much more enjoyable, and read much more like an actually plot on the show. 


I’m contemplating rewriting my doctor who fic “the girl who never knew”. I have stepped back and looked at who I really want that main character to be, so some time this year I’m gonna try rewriting the whole thing and come at it from a somewhat different angle. 
          I truely thing you all will find the new version much more enjoyable, and read much more like an actually plot on the show. 


Ok, so I'm thinking about starting up a new "book" that is nothing but shorts from mutual enjoyed fandom a between me and you guys. 
          You've read some of my stories, I think you know what I'm into. 
          But these shorts will be purely at you guys' request. Character pairings and situations completely from you guys's imagination. 
          Just let me know what y'all think, if this is something realistic that might be a success. 


Hey guys! I plan to coin timid my stories (mainly the vagabond, and the girl who began).
          But I want to start a drabble on a fanfiction... And I'm stuck between once upon a time, and Harry Potter. 
          Any ideas or opinions about which one I should start first?


Attention anybody who reads this, I have acquired some new programs that help me make some pretty rocking covers. If you are a writer, and need a cover for your work, message me and I would love to spitball and work with any ideas you have


This Sunday I will be out of town for exactly three weeks with 0 contact with social media or any electronically devices. 
          Sadly I will not be able to write or post until the end of June when I return. 
          I may get a post out tomorrow if I have time, don't wanna get any hopes up but I really would like to get a chapter in on at least one of my little stories:)) 
          Miss you wattpad! See you in three weeks!


Ok ok ok... A new fandom has very recently slapped me in the face. 
          Phantom of the opera<3
          How I have gone this long without it is beyond me... But I need to start a fic  about it. 
          So so sorry for starting a project and never finishing. 
          Inspiration comes and goes as you all know. 
          Forgive me:)