
If any of you were wondering what's wrong with my book, Wattpad I'd what's wrong. Someone reported my story and they took it down and say that I can't get it back. I'm sorry for those invested in the storyline bc it will never be finished now. I was going to update it but have nothing to update it to. So this was how it was going to end: the was going to be a fight between the two packs over Loki's mate, Lilac was going to fall into a deep sleep like coma state for a few weeks, when she wakes up she'll have all her memory back, her father that gave her away wasn't her real father, Lilac is the long lost little sister of Loki and Ian, Lilac also has a body transformation as she comes into her powers as a werewolf-mage, she is also not 15 but 22, she had the body of a 15 yr old and the mindset of a 5 yr old fighting to be an adult, a man from her biological mother's past tries to come and claim her as his own, kidnaps her, attempts to marry and rape her but she is saved by a double spy (X), her and the twins get married and crowned and have quadruplets. The end. I'm leaving Wattpad as well bc people are twats. I got reported over what? Some squirting? There are FAR more graphic books on here than what I wrote and they chose to take mine down. Smh, if my follower count was as large as theirs would my book have been spared? Good luck to you all, but I'm out of here. Glad I didn't buy premium bc I'd be even more pissed than I am rn. If I continue writing it will be on Inkitt. Goodbye and thanks to all 1k people who supported me while I was here.


If any of you were wondering what's wrong with my book, Wattpad I'd what's wrong. Someone reported my story and they took it down and say that I can't get it back. I'm sorry for those invested in the storyline bc it will never be finished now. I was going to update it but have nothing to update it to. So this was how it was going to end: the was going to be a fight between the two packs over Loki's mate, Lilac was going to fall into a deep sleep like coma state for a few weeks, when she wakes up she'll have all her memory back, her father that gave her away wasn't her real father, Lilac is the long lost little sister of Loki and Ian, Lilac also has a body transformation as she comes into her powers as a werewolf-mage, she is also not 15 but 22, she had the body of a 15 yr old and the mindset of a 5 yr old fighting to be an adult, a man from her biological mother's past tries to come and claim her as his own, kidnaps her, attempts to marry and rape her but she is saved by a double spy (X), her and the twins get married and crowned and have quadruplets. The end. I'm leaving Wattpad as well bc people are twats. I got reported over what? Some squirting? There are FAR more graphic books on here than what I wrote and they chose to take mine down. Smh, if my follower count was as large as theirs would my book have been spared? Good luck to you all, but I'm out of here. Glad I didn't buy premium bc I'd be even more pissed than I am rn. If I continue writing it will be on Inkitt. Goodbye and thanks to all 1k people who supported me while I was here.


To everyone that read and supported me, thank you. At this time I can't find it in me to write an update for my book. When I started it, I had never had a boyfriend before. I had clouded judgment, thought everything was all peaches and rainbows. Fast forward to now, I've had 3 boyfriends (if you could even call them that) and they've warped my view on love. I am not in a good place because of it and my depression is whooping my ass. The last relationship that I just got out of, he didn't even say goodbye.....just stopped messaging and calling me. My outlook on men and life are clouded with hurt and extreme dislike....I don't want to put that on my characters. I've worked too hard to cultivate them to damage how my audience sees them. So until I can tape all the pieces of my heart back together and put ice packs on my bruised soul....Daddies Princess will be on hold. I am sorry to let you guys down, but I am too damaged atm to continue


@ His_Bratty_Kitten  I totally support you in your problems. Your health is more important than the book, even if I really love it ! Heal yourself and find happiness, don't let the stupid idiots who hurt you dictate your life.


Hey all faithful followers and amazing readers, I'm just letting you guys know ahead of time so no one freaks out but I will be taking down Daddies Princess tonight for some editing and possibly rewriting some things. I am open to ideas and constructive criticism. Thank you guys for your patience and understanding. It will be back up in a day or two :)


            Congratulations on your new relationship. 


            Ah okay,  i completely understand. 