
Is it weird that I’m jealous of my friend who broke her wrist in a car crash? Im not jealous of the attention she would get im just jealous bc I want to break a bone or hurt myself but I can’t.


Is it weird that I’m jealous of my friend who broke her wrist in a car crash? Im not jealous of the attention she would get im just jealous bc I want to break a bone or hurt myself but I can’t.


It feels so weird because where I am it’s 7:00 pm and the sun still hasn’t set daylight savings is super weird 


@_ChocolateBannana_  ikr I woke up this morning and it was pitch black outside instead of light like it's been


I don’t want to seem disrespectful and I have not done this because I only know a few trans people and they always told me their dead name before I could’ve asked, or I knew them before they transitioned, but would it be disrespectful asking what someone’s dead name was?


@_ChocolateBannana_ sometimes it is, especially if you didn’t know the person before they came out as trans/transitioned. sometimes trans people are too uncomfortable to tell because they associate their deadname with their agab, but it depends from person to person
            i wouldn’t ask unless they offer to tell you


It is not something I would personally do. If they haven’t told you yet, there may be a reason, dysphoria or otherwise, and I’m sure you wouldn’t want to make them uncomfortable. I would just ignore the want to know for a while and wait for them to tell you by their own choice, or it to come up in a conversation. If they are already speaking of themself before their transition, that may be a sign they are comfortable telling you, but you shouldn’t worry if they don’t. 


@_ChocolateBannana_ If you didn’t know a trans person pre-transition, and you only know them by their chosen name, it’s usually better to not ask someone’s dead name. This can differ from trans person to trans person, but usually it’s considered disrespectful to ask what someone’s deadname was. I hope this helps :)


My biggest flex is my dad came back with the milk


@_ChocolateBannana_ one of my friends told me that her dad left but they have plenty of milk so it doesn't matter XD