We live in a world where if you say the wrong
answer in class, you get laughed at. Where if
you dress a certain way, you get looked at.
Where if your grades aren't as good as
others, you're stupid. Where people say "you
need to eat more" or "you need to loose
weight". We live in a world where people
don't know the things that others are going
through. Where if you don't know what you
wanna do with your life, you won't have one.
Where if you shop at Walmart, you're ghetto
or poor. Where if you have made out with 3
guys you're a whore, but if you haven't kissed
any you're a prude. Where if you aren't part of
the 'in crowd, you're a loser. We live in a
world where we are all expect to live up to
other people's expectations. Where one word
can make someone end their life. Where we
constantly judge people. We live in a world
where being yourself, isn't accepted.

So what will you do? Keep yourself locked up in others opinion forever....or just start not to give a fucking shit about what others says. I know it's much easier said than done. I know that. But until you make your choice of how will you keep living your life, how can you expect anything to change? Because disclaimer: It won't!

Now get up bitches, and do your motherfucking thing! Love ya all~♡
  • .
  • JoinedSeptember 13, 2021
