
          	Hmmm it's not a bad idea at all. But I think it's going to be harder. I think making videos will be better. Plus it was my friend gifty Kollie that taught me how to make sun good covers. And she still helps a little when I get stumped. She's really good at it but she's just a little shy and socially awakard sometimes. 


@WatsonInc haha I have a friend exactly like that.... And one quick question what do you use to make them? It's just I'm having a small problem with my editor so it would be a great help if you could recomand something


thanks that helps alot


Well I use a couple things. 
            I manly use picmone, piclab, and avairy


          Hmmm it's not a bad idea at all. But I think it's going to be harder. I think making videos will be better. Plus it was my friend gifty Kollie that taught me how to make sun good covers. And she still helps a little when I get stumped. She's really good at it but she's just a little shy and socially awakard sometimes.