
          	So recently I found This great book it's called "The Good Girl's Bad Boys" it's not sexual for those who are not into that. It's beautifully written. It grabs you and pulls you in. It can also be relate able too. If your looking for a good book. Than check it out! You can find it in my "Girl Meets Boy" list.


          So recently I found This great book it's called "The Good Girl's Bad Boys" it's not sexual for those who are not into that. It's beautifully written. It grabs you and pulls you in. It can also be relate able too. If your looking for a good book. Than check it out! You can find it in my "Girl Meets Boy" list.


          I have been getting a few followers recently! Why?I have no clue. I want to thank y'all,tho. also I am going to start adding stories to my book again. so if you would like to say something an you can write me an ill put it in there. Remember I wont put who you are unless you tell me to. (real name or username) Thank you again!


A new chapter is up and the author of this story wrote about his past to welcome a new year. I cried when I heard his story, you guys are reading the story an not feel the same way but i listened to his story face to face and the emotions was just oh my. anyway i hope you like the story and hope you have a great new year