Oh yeah I think I got it messed up and swapped lou and harry, thanks!!!!


I need help finding the larry fic where Harry has an ED, and throws up all of his food while the shower is running, and he lives with Liam and Zayn. What's it called? I wanna reread


I know Fading which is that but thats where Louis has an ED and not Harry, but Louis does live with Liam and Zayn and would throw up while the shower is running and has an ED


Would surely love to read your short story. I too am in the process of writing one . I’ve actually published some parts of it already. Let me know when you’ve published yours! Happy writing! 


@ilovemesomegaySMUT you actually read mine  that’s so cute and TYSM! Can’t wait for you to publish yours! 


@PixieMoon28 Thank you! And I will. I'll go read some of yours now actually! :D