
New story up called the calm before the storm


Super pissed I like to start my books by hand writing them in notebooks I had two going and they were in a bag pack in my car I went hiking yesterday with the two kids I nanny and some jackass smashed my front passenger car window and stole them and my drivers license so damn pisses 


Hey my lovely readers 
          So I have some new books coming out soon I wanted to write a bunch of chapters so I could upload regularly for you guys. I'll most likely be up in a month or two. So I'm going to Australia for a month in May I'm super excited I'm taking my grandma with me but any way I'm trying to lose weight before I go cause I'm a bigger girl and the jungle will be a killer for me if I don't start now only problem I like sweets a lot and I'm trying not to eat them I give myself a treat once a week but still sucks any pointers for healthy alternatives.