
Hello fellow readers
          	Wow, that was rough. I have taken down all of my books honestly because my wattpad is all but dead. Apologies to the people who may come looking for them. They are now on Inkitt if you still want to check them out.
          	Much love


Hello fellow readers
          Wow, that was rough. I have taken down all of my books honestly because my wattpad is all but dead. Apologies to the people who may come looking for them. They are now on Inkitt if you still want to check them out.
          Much love


Hello fellow readers!
          It has been sometime since my last chapter. Life gets busy you know? I am back though to hopefully finish my latest book! I do hope you enjpy the second half of what will likely be the last book of the series.
          Happy reading
          Much love


Hello fellow readers!
          I know it's confusing when I do this, especially for new readers who aren't familiar with the duel timeline, but chapter 14 is out now. Yes, 15 was published ahead of it so make sure you don't miss it. It's a nice, sweet one after the sadness that was chapter 15. Enjoy!
          Much love


Hello fellow readers!
          The Prologue for book three The Girl Who Loved Two Princes: You, Me, Her and That Guy is out! Check it out if you haven't already. Read the epilogue of the previous book first if you skipped the previous book. Seriously it makes the Prologue more enjoyable. This book will probably show up much slower so bear with me. This one really is for Aaron's fans. Hope you like it! As always let me know what you think. Share your opinion about literally anything and vote people! Happy reading
          Much love


Hello fellow readers! 
          Check out my epilogue (which is also kind of a sneak peak for the next possible book if I find time to write it) for the people who wanted to murder me after everything that happened to Aaron in this book. Hope you like it. Tell me what you think! Would you read that book?
          Much love


@faythemoody that's really awesome. Tell your sister I'm super glad she enjoyed the read and look forward to her feedback in future. Sorry you can't read the books too. It's not all that, but I felt it was probably best to mark it mature. Thanks again for the support though❤️


@ScarlettJane47 My sister /(Menai) reads the book and votes on from this account (I'm too young to read mature (^^)¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯) . She really loves it! But she is a little busy... She's willing to open her own Wattpad account soon enough. She'll be voting and commenting on all of your books.


I'm so grateful to u ❤️


@ashymarva I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you mean for the books. Appreciate the love for the works 


Hello fellow readers!
          That's it for The Girl Who Loved Two Princes: The Her Before You! Look out for a possible epilogue, but this is pretty much the end of the story. Maybe a wedding chapter? Not sure. Thanks for reading people! As always be that person that comments and/votes! We writers appreciate the advice/feedback. Thanks everyone. 
          Much Love