
*Sigh* No ONC for me this year. I will be happy to read and support other writers, though! And eventually I will write the story I plotted for this event. Just not right now. 
          	- Dino


*rising from grave dramatically covered in dust and cobwebs* I LIVE!!! 
          Hello, long time no see, I haven't been active on this account since uh.... *checks calendar* May of last year. That's 8 months! Wow, a lot has changed in that time. Here's a quick rundown: 
          I did NOT get married, in fact that seven year relationship ended and I moved back north to my family. Wild, right? Don't worry, it was for the best and I'm doing much better now. 
          I started a new job, fully remote, which HOPEFULLY will give me more time to write. 
          I turned 26. I'm old lol. 
          I've fully outlined a complete overhaul for several of my projects, as well as planned a few totally new ones, and I intend to give this account a top-to-bottom makeover. Fresh start! 
          It was the siren song of this year's ONC that roused me from my grave. The ONC is my absolute favorite event on Wattpad. I've participated every year for the past five years, and was even a judge one year! I love the community aspect and supportive energy of the event. 
          If you've never participated, I highly recommend checking it out. It's a great time to make friends, read a bunch of interesting stories, and try your hand at writing in genres or styles you normally wouldn't consider. I can't wait to see the prompts go live on February 1st! 
          So, hello again, friends! I've missed you, feel free to shoot me a message anytime :) 
          - Dino 


@Stormy_Kisses Prompt 69, with a little splash of Prompt 1 for fun! I'm so excited, I already have a plotline cooking. What about you?


@AziaElga it was definitely rough for a little while, but things are going better now for sure. Excited to see where life takes me next, sort of feels like a fresh start. 


Wow that’s really a lot of things that changed ;-; but I guess that’s life, eh? As long as you are moving in the right direction and are happy with your life currently. And I’m glad you are back for the ONC! Looking forward to seeing you back <3


IMPORTANT: I have a lot going on in real life, including a recent severe family emergency, as well as my wedding fast approaching with so much left to do. As such, I am going to be taking an extended break from Wattpad as a whole, as well as stepping away from being an Ambassador. 
          This means Author Games: Original Sin, as poorly updated as it was, will be discontinued and removed from my profile. I am sorry to anyone who was still waiting for an update on that or response to their entry. 
          Avia Year One and Secondhand Sorrows will stay up on my profile in their current state. Eventually I will come back and continue both, but for the time being, mental health, my family, and my wedding come first. I cannot give an exact date to my return. More than likely, it won't be until sometime next year. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
          - Dino


Wising you the best of luck with everything!


          (Each category is in caps, so feel free to skip to the one that interests you)
          Hello! I have not abandoned this! I've just been writing this project almost completely out of order, so while I have a ton written, none of it is the next sequential chapter yet lol. I will however be writing and posting that next chapter before the end of next week, as the deadline for Round Two of the ONC is fast approaching. Once I've gotten past that hurdle, you'll start seeing pretty quick regular updates for this book as I post the chapters I've been writing. The whole story will be 16 chapters when complete. 
          Hi friends, I hope you don't hate me. I do intend to continue this but life and job have beaten me into the dust and since I started these Games for funsies and nostalgia purposes I am not prioritizing them as highly as other creative projects on my list. Please forgive me. Notes(vibe checks) as well as Task Two will be posted Monday at the absolute latest. Anyone who wishes to drop, I understand, please just PM me about it. 
          AVIA ACADEMY:
          For the time being, I've taken down the chapters for Year Two (again) so that I could mark Year One as complete and try my hand at the Amby Awards. This is temporary. Once that is done and I've finished my ONC entry (Secondhand Sorrows, mentioned above) I have made it my goal to focus all my writing energy on finishing Year's Two and Three of Avia Academy as quickly as possible, with a regular posting schedule. Check back in May :)
          if you are one of the five-ish people who care about AGOPAP, have my depression rambles: https://www.wattpad.com/1207403491-rappy%27s-green-room-we-don%27t-talk-about-gg-no-no-no
          As always, thank you to the dedicated readers who leave comments, check in via message board and PM, and truly care about the work I produce (however slowly it arrives) You guys are the reason I post my writing at all ❤️❤️


I MISS AVIA ACADEMY SM T-T patiently waiting for the next updateee T-T well,ig not so patiently,but yeahh. Hope you're doing well,author!!


@RappyTheDinosaur I totally understand the busy part,same way with me,and I'm struggling with just one project*laughs* :) also,for the adding more chappies, I'll read anything haha<3


@undeadmaeve so terribly sorry for the delay! My irl is incredibly busy, and I'm trying to balance too many projects hahaha. I was also considering adding more chapters to the first Avia Academy year to make it longer, but I'm not sure if I should. 


@RappyTheDinosaur ahhh so glad to know- I've been keeping an eye out for updates for too long without any type of idea of how much sooner or later it's gonna be continued *laughs* take your time!! :D thankyou-


Well, round one of the ONC has passed, now it's time for everyone to strive for that 8k goal by the end of this month for round two! Did you make it through the first round? How close are you to that 8k milestone, or have you already passed it? Regardless, congratulations to EVERYONE who put in the effort and wrote some words for this competition!! 
          I've been hard at work on Secondhand Sorrows, but mostly out of order hahaha. As such, there hasn't been an update in a bit, but I plan to remedy that this week! 
          - Dino