
You've probably already noticed, but guess who's back (for an unguaranteed amount of time) bishes!


Wow... The book is at 1K votes.
          Never in a million years have I thought I'd get to much love from all of you guys. 
          You're wonderful, thank you. <3
          I'm sorry I haven't written in a while, it's a bit messy nowadays and I wasn't feeling up for it. I'll try to do it soon...


I'm at over 50 followers. 
          Thanks to all of you guys who took the time to read my book - you guys make my day.
          Writing this book has been one of the better decisions in my life, and I'm happy people actually like it.
          I never expected to get more than like 10 followers and here I go.
          Thank you, Love yall! (^ w ^)


Hiya. I.. um.. I'm not good at writing myself but I love your story.. I love the piller men so much (and that theme song is just perfection) if your running out of ideas maybe you could do something where the reader asks to try on clothes like that of the piller men (as they have tried human clothes) it might be fun to see everyone's reaction to that. Hope your holding up well in quarentine and btw your goats are adorable (almost as cute as wamuu) UwU


Why did I @ myself? I'm such an idiot XD also yeah I think your officially a legand.. it's awesome to have something like this to do with the piller men as they are just.. damnnn 


@octopusgirl0 know how you feel. Am getting bout the same workload at the moment (school sucks) and it doesn't help that my body refuses to sleep also wamuu is just... Hell yes I know he killed ceaser but ya know... The fact he left the bubble alone just makes me see him as noble... Kars on the other hand.. just bo.. I mean sure he's hot but there's no way I could deal with his outbursts and the fact he is so willing to (in your book) hurt the people who care for him and (in JoJo's) ruin their legacy. I hope your doing ok and by the way...your beutiful. You don't need to be shy about that sorry but your goats are cuter but ya know... Nobody can compete with baby goats XD also yeah... The 6 hour science project I need to complete for Friday is gunna kill me XD Keep up the amazing work and stay cool :3


@ octopusgirl0  Why hello there, thank you for the idea, I think that sounds very interesting! I don't think exactly clothes (since they mostly wear loincloths xD) but maybe jewerly, or style (Kars's tourban ;) ) I might use this idea, I'll @ you if I do
            Nowadays I've had less time to write (for example 4 hours of homework today). I'll try to write something soon.
            And thanks, the goats already know  (Wamuu would never admit he is xD)