

So I been thinking, the only reason why I haven't updated Kazimir seasons is because my phone broke and it's hard to get into my old google docs without verifying with my phone, So while we wait till I get a new one. WHAT BOOK SHOULD I START, Angel obsession. Loving Izzy, Saving Kennedy


@Lovely_Felicite Definitely Saving Kennedy, since the Rossi's wasn't a part of your book choice!


Definitely angel obsession PLEASE


Hey there!  I hope you're doing well. I wanted to reach out and introduce myself – I'm a newbie writer on Wattpad, and I just posted my first book! ✨ It's been an exciting journey so far, and I'd love it if you could check it out and be a part of my writing adventure. 


Hey guys since we are here today what are some plans y’all working  on taking over to the new year. What have you learned last year and why that lesson stuck with you. 
          I’ll go first, the things I plan on to doing well this is year is time management. I do very  with procrastination and lazy at organization. Going into this year I’m leading to go with planing out my day to day better so I’m on top of everything. Even if it’s outside hobbies, school work, friends, writing and posting everything. 
          Last year I learned to not take everything personal, I used to be one of those people that’s if something happened I dwelled in it for to long than I needed to. Little did I know it effected more so much more if I was sad I’ll keep being sad instead of pushing forward and not letting that feeling stop my day. 
          I just want all you guys to know that’s I love, I’ll miss you, so please keep pushing even when times get hard. 


@briwroteit you got this babes, change don’t work over night. And why is that? Why don’t you finish what you started?? 


Chile I am LAZY so my goal is to stop being lazy!!!! I also am never consistent with anything I always start something and stop so those are too major things I’m working on this year. I hope you accomplish your new years goals! You got this girly :) & definitely the same with taking things personal. Once you learn that everything isn’t in your control and to let things be life gets 100x better fr!


Y’all I need some book recommendations on here!!! 
          Professor x Student 
          Mafia x nanny 
          Mafia anything 
          Please make sure they have smut, thanks y’all 


@Lovely_Felicite if your still looking for a book check out mine girl I think you'd enjoy them and yes they have plenty of smut lol


@romanceobssesed i literally love her and all her books. I read all of them even Love Roulette chief kiss 


@goldmelanin17 all her books are great but I would recommend Bosses and butterflies & Fantasy. Both MxFxM