
So I know I've been The Worst about regularly editing & updating Post-Its, but hopefully this next chapter will make up for the wait. It's a longer chapter than the others, and you get to meet a new character! I'm finishing up writing it now, so it should be ready to post tomorrow at some point. :)


So I know I've been The Worst about regularly editing & updating Post-Its, but hopefully this next chapter will make up for the wait. It's a longer chapter than the others, and you get to meet a new character! I'm finishing up writing it now, so it should be ready to post tomorrow at some point. :)


In case you missed it, the edited Chapter 5 of Post-Its is now up!


@aretiefstathiou I don't, but expect more frequent updates now that I'm done with school!


@Little_Miss_Zelda thanks! do u have an update shedule?


Reader, I did it.
          Or...I'm doing it.
          I'm finally editing/rewriting Post-Its!
          2020 has been a disaster of a year, and I needed to have a writing project that's low-stress and low-commitment, so I decided to start revisit Post-Its. As someone that has an eating disorder and has struggled with anxiety & depression for quite a while, I wanted to expand on the themes I touched on in Post-Its with the perspective that I now have. Post-Its was the first story that I ever completed here on Wattpad, and I wrote it when I was 14,  so I know that I have a lot of work to get the story to a point that I feel reflects how I've grown as a writer since then.
          My goal is to expand the length of the chapters, provide a little bit more insight into Lizzie's journey outside of school, and do a better job at representing mental illnesses throughout the book. (Side note: while going back to edit, I realized that I hadn't even named my MC in the first her name is now Lizzie.)
          That being said, I am still a full-time student, so I won't have a regular schedule for when I'll update, but I'll try and post them as soon as often as I can. My goal is to have it complete by this spring, but with how uncertain and hectic this year has been, I don't want to make any promises.
          Whew...! That was a lot! Thanks for reading, if you made it this far, and thanks for supporting me and my works; it means so much to me.
          I hope that wherever you are & whenever you're reading this, you're able to find some peace and joy today. 


I have a work on Wattpad. Well, not really my work anymore. More like by multiple people. Will you like to write a chapter? Write about your belief, your religion, your worldview,  if you don’t want to then write about a life lesson or about something you’re passionate about.
          When you finish the chapter send me the chapter either by messaging me on Wattpad. My Wattpad account is @NeverForgetCG or email me at there is no deadline but I would prefer you do it before July. There is no word limit.


Loved both your books!! ❤ 


@_Christy97_ no Thank you for writing such amazing books! ❤


@_Christy97_ Thank you so much! That means a lot to hear! :)


To everyone 18+ in the U.S.:
          TOMORROW is election day, so please remember to go out and vote!! In the U.S. we have the incredible privilege of being able to elect our gov't representatives,  so do not take this task lightly and don't forget to exercise this right!
          Also, please keep in mind that voting is more than about partisanship, and you can vote for candidates of a different party (including third party candidates!!) if his/her political agenda aligns with your's.  Always research your candidates before you go to the polls. 
          Lots of love,