Hello! I’ll be taking a break. I should’ve said this earlier. Things aren’t going good for me and I need a little bit of time to refresh my mind and get positive again in any way. I hope this won’t be a bummer. Sorry. 


Hello, to whoever this may concern, I just would like to tell you that the date for the release of chapters for “still not bitten” will be moved up to December 10th, I realized I will be terribly busy on the 17th so it would not be possible, have a good day!


The new chapter is up finally! I hope you guys enjoy as much as I enjoyed making this for you. Thanks for the support and tips for this story it meant a lot. Also look out for a new book I’m making called “still not bitten” which the first three or four episodes will be dropped on December 18th, thank you. 


Hello dear readers! I’m just letting you all know that the first new chapter of bloody hatches shall be released in an hour or two, I am so very sorry for not posting sooner! But I am very busy, as my birthday is coming up on the 17th of December, I hope you all understand!!!