
Guys how would you feel if I started an imagine/one shot book? That way you guys could request specific prompts and what not? Plus somedays I want to write but not super long chapters! 
          	Anyways, let me know!!!! 


Hey guys! I just wanted to come on here and say thanks so much for continuing to show love to all my stories that I’ve written! When I see you all interacting with my books it makes me so happy and I’m glad you all are enjoying them! 
          Currently I have plenty of chapters already written for “our fight for love” and I’ve been posting little by little. I am also writing some chapters for “addiction” I think I may have a new chapter ready by this weekend so look out for that! 
          Hope you all are doing well! 


Hi guys! Just updated "Our Fight For Love" and I hope you guys like it! 
          I know I've been gone for a while, but that is my apology since so many things have been happening with life. Hope you guys can forgive me and use this new chapter as a gift hahaha. 
          Anyways, Royal Rumble was Saturday, any reactions?? I had a lot lol. Seth using the Shield theme song hit me in my feels <3
          - KxAmbrose


@KxAmbrose I definitely had tears in my eyes when i heard the music. part of me was wishing Jon moxley was going to be going through the crowd with him </3. I hope whatever your going through in real life gets better :) take your time on uploading new chapters, your health, mentally and physically, is more important :))


Hi besties, sorry for being MIA - I’ve been trying to figure out life and balance everything. But Im happy to announce that I’ll be updating my books! I have some chapters in the works so be on the look out! 


Pleaseee update “addiction” I’m addicted .


Update “addiction” bestieee,don’t leave us hanging. 


I know I’ve been slacking, I’m sorry. I’m just not in a good place mentally and emotionally, so I’m taking the time to get better. I’ll try to update when I can, don’t worry I will finish the books! Thanks for the support 
          KxAmbrose I