
Okay, so I just had a breakdown due to mostly everything around me. I'm facing a really big exam this year, and I'm not sure if y'all could even get a new episode every now and then. I'll try my best updating a lot before September coz that's when my exams starts. Remember that I do love y'all wolfies! And always be true to yourself!


Okay, so I just had a breakdown due to mostly everything around me. I'm facing a really big exam this year, and I'm not sure if y'all could even get a new episode every now and then. I'll try my best updating a lot before September coz that's when my exams starts. Remember that I do love y'all wolfies! And always be true to yourself!




Oh Irene, I must sleep! Goodnight, CHILD!


@__Theocrazygal__ for me, it's 11.15p.m