
*         cb  /  spec  lovlies 


thank you ,  thank you !  i take my tithe up front ,  oddly beautiful stranger .


ID.  @Iostprince
            i'm not / little / !  well ,  not as little as gnomes or halflings .  i'm trouble ,  with a capital t .


@flaneurose  *          well, aren't you sweet, little one. 


Athena covered her mouth with delicate fingers, eyes wide behind the golden frame of her glasses. “What did you just say?” It had taken her too long to even catch on to the flirtation in his words, and when she had, she’d choked on her coffee. “That was so /forward/…” she dabbed at her the corner of her lips with a napkin, though she hadn’t spilled any of her hot drink.


The compliment only made the situation worse, as the blonde was already awkward when it came to accepting them. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and mustered a smile, a sweet one even though her flush was still evident. “Thank you…Is that why you never miss a chance to make me?” 


@krysilios               "...i will say, you're absolutely gorgeous when you're blushing, darling." 


“Well…you are nice, it’s just I wasn’t expecting that.” Athena chuckled a little at her own startled reaction, her pale cheeks flushed rosy pink. “Is it weird if I told you I have no experience with dating or anything of the sort?” It was the truth, even though she was in her late twenties, never had Athena ever been in a relationship. A few cordial dates here and there, but that was it. Normally she poured everything into her work, and lacked the extraversion to pursue friendships or more outside of it. 