


I am slowly realizing that I shouldn’t be the one who’s trained to deal with this stuff. Not because it’s not important, but because it shouldn’t be our job (“the children”) to fix everything that our leaders are screwing up. It’s like they want the last word, a smidge of them to remain for longer than their short existence. And we’ll, of course, be pinned with the blame. It’s going to be weird to look at all of these politicians the same age as me and think “they were also told to be leaders” while we have such violently conflicting moral values. And eventually, the next generation will scream at us with words we’ll never hear while suffering through anxiety attacks.


@Inkwell33 Oh my gosh. Straight up facts.


Anyone else find it strange how parts of the government are using children as human shields, religion as a crutch, public safety as an excuse for racism and genocide? It’s bizarre, right? Because they’re so obviously in the wrong but so many people agree with them.