
It's me a Z+H stan.
Zarry ruined my life.
I have nothing much to say considering I stan the most inactive people who apparently love giving a heart attack out of nowhere.
Social life? Non existent
Sorry oxygen and water but memes and music help me survive.
TPWK (who me? no you)
All the love as always
♬Typo said-
"tO Be hOnEsT, I nEvEr rEaLlY SpOkE To hArRy eVeN WhEn I wAs iN ThE BaNd. So I dIdN'T ReAlLy eXpEcT ThAt mUcH Of A rElAtIoNsHiP WiTh hIm"
didn't mean what I was saying♬
🌕♪But I'll still be a fool
'Cause I'm a fool for you♪🌕
🌻♪I just love being a fool for you
'Cause I'm a fool for you and the things you do♪🌻
  • Behind you. BOO!
  • JoinedNovember 23, 2018