
I'm sorry Vie.
          	I'm sorry Maxene.
          	I'm sorry Travis.
          	I'm sorry, Me. 


Hey, apologies.  Im new to this website. If there are any poetry readers out there who are mystical and love poetry, I'm a newly published author by gotham books. I have some of my writing work out on wattpad. Below is a link. If anyone would like to check me out, I'd appreciate any support given in the reader's community   https://www.wattpad.com/1433314895-through-the-door-where-dreams-implore-leaving


Sorry in advance if ever some of my works will be unpublished online soon. I'm not sure if this is just a phase like before, but I guess I'm just exhausted in real life events that I thought of dissappearing a bit online.
          I'm torned between letting go and holding on.
          Oh well. 


@HannahRedspring I understand the feeling, going through something similar to yours. Feel free to rest as long as you like. Live your life outside and do you. I wish you the best in your endeavors.


@pinayblonde I miss you Rai.
            Hope to see you again soon.
            Love lots! 


          "It's too good to be true." she said witnessing fantasy and anxiety combined. Complicated emotions starts to fill her eyes letting a few raindrops fall from the dark skies. She couldn't expressed what her heart couldn't utter in the reality she lived in for a long time. Thus the words, 'I see you.' made her feel the gravity of her own worth she thought floating.
          'I see you, in this moment. You're here with me. Crying and alive. You're seen by the eyes who sees your worth and smile. You are here. So, just stay here.'


          Hannah Redspring
          Chapter 10 (1397 WC)
          “You don’t need beauty to be loved.” Brittany started, “You don’t need logic to be smart. You don’t need to prove your worth if your environment is blind to see what you really are.”
          Insecurity speaks for me, “A small voice like mine can’t be heard in a loud environment.” 
          “That doesn’t mean that you’ll lose your own voice just because the place is loud.” I peeked at her and saw her smiling at me, yet I hid myself feeling petty and small.
          “Bree, you don’t need to paint yourself in gold just to make yourself feel expensive and valuable, nor do you need to wear a diamond tiara just to make yourself feel like you’re a worthy princess for a prince and for your happily ever after.”
          “You’re just saying that Brittany, you don’t know me.”
          “Sure I do,” she declared, “You're my friend, Bree.” she looks at me adorably giving me that same feeling that I once felt with my–
          “You’re just lost because you’re seeking a map that grownups made you believe exists. But not all treasure maps lead to buried wealth waiting for its discovery, there are some maps that lead to someone else’s tragedy, you know?” Her tone brings a sudden nostalgia as if I’ve heard these words before, “Just because someone else’s map is more visually appealing, doesn’t not imply yours isn’t.” 
          Her hand held mine and I'm not sure whether our hands are the same size anymore.
          “Drawing your own map may appear dirty, full of detours and dead ends, but as long as you sketch them all out,”  She paused, drawing something on my palm and added, “The adventure will not stop just by locating where the ‘X’ is, right?” she let out a familiar smile as I gaze up at her. 
          “You– you speak like someone I knew.”
          I see her tilting her head, asking me, “Who?”
          From someone who is very close to me. 
           #NaNoWriMoby8letters #nano8L #NovellaChallenge8L


          Hannah Redspring
          Chapter 9 (1114 WC)
          “Aren’t you glad that you got a gift for doing something right?” 
          “I’m not really sure,” I answered insecurely, “I felt like I didn’t deserve it.”
          Brittany held my hand, “As far as I can see, it looks good on you,” she smiles with pride like a supportive friend, “And come on, give yourself some credit, you deserve it.”
          “I’m just not used to it, I guess.” Brittany looked concerned as she tilted her head beside; she’s probably asking me the word ‘why’ by the look of her face. I sighed in defeat, “Back then, every time I mess up, either I get punished or sent to the corner to contemplate what I did, and even if I did the right thing, the only thing grownups see is the mistake I made.” I chuckled weakly, hiding the embarrassment that I am feeling. "All I know is there’s no way to undo a mistake and receiving a gift from someone that I judged poorly, disrespected and offended, is really not what I expected.”
          “But you already apologized, right?”
          I smiled weakly, “Yeah, I did.”
          “And for that, I think she already forgave you genuinely.” 
          “Do you really think so?” I uttered and saw her nodding at me.
          “Don’t be so hard on yourself Bree. It may be impossible to undo a mistake, but you did what is right in the end and learned from that mistake.” Brittany gave me some light and added, “You deserve what the good fairy gave you, because she sees kindness in you. I think that’s all that matters, Bree.”
          I smiled; however, what Brittany saw got me curious, “What do you mean earlier by ‘it looks good on me?’” I asked, “Can you see what the fairy has given me?”
          "A genuine smile blooming like a flower.”
           #NaNoWriMoby8letters #nano8L #NovellaChallenge8L


          Hannah Redspring
          Chapter 8 (1139 WC)
          After a moment of silence, she asks me a delicate question, “Have you ever thought of going home?” I didn’t answer nor act because I didn’t know what home even meant anymore,  “Aren’t you scared that you ended up here all alone?”
          I sighed, “Well, you’re here, right?” I tell her with a small smile, “I think I’ll be just fine.”
          She gave me a bright wide smile and told me, "You know what, someone once told me that: how you see the world will always reflect in the eyes of the beholder."
          “Let me guess, a friend told you that, right?”
          “That’s right!” she says merrily as if she’s recalling the face of that friend of hers, “I remember that she’s an old lady. She owns a little shop that makes clothes. She loves to make dresses for me out of old clothes.”
          “Did she also make you that dress?”
          “Yes, isn’t it wonderful?”
          “However, it is now dirty. Have you ever thought of washing out the dirt?” If I had a doll like her, I'd clean her every day and get her clothing changed every now and then.
          She shakes her head, “Not really. I don’t see them as dirt, I see them as stains of memories that my friends and I have shared together.”
          “How many friends have you made anyway?”
          She tilted her head, holding a finger on her cheek, “Hmmm, I’m sure I made a lot.”
          I still couldn’t help but feel bad for her since the people whom she calls friends were also the ones who left her in the dump, “Aren’t you sad that they just left you after all that?”
          “I do feel sad sometimes. Especially whenever I think about the time I spent with them. It’s easy to feel sad. But as time passes, children grow up, and the only thing that they left for me was a piece of their hearts that they entrusted me to take care of.”
           #NaNoWriMoby8letters #nano8L #NovellaChallenge8L