got a chapter in the works rn, but i thought i'd do what i did a few times and drop some hints for the future of Infinity...
a). AoS S1 is almost done, and S2 is in the works, but a few crucial episodes (not as much as S1) I do want to get to Age of Ultron to see Wanda, but I also want to get these next few chapters as good as I can.
b). speaking of AoU, i'm really excited to get to it, and I can say just as the movie begins, the dynamic between Zach and Wanda could be somewhat "enemies-to-lovers"
c). and to build some hype for S2, I will just reveal this... more of Zach's past will be revealed
but that's all I can say for now! I don't want to spoil too much, but the next chapter of S1, "The Only Light In The Darkness" will be out soon!