
I hate to be annoying but I've posted the fanfic I was talking about in my last post (The 100 fanfic with an OC... or maybe a /you book? I haven't quite gotten there yet. Help me decide, please lmao.)May have been a stupid decision as I'm not sure how my hours at work are going to look but hey! Read if you wanna, haha. 


If any of y'all find one of my stories you'd like to take over, feel free to message me! I've tried to keep up with them, but stuff happened back in 2015 and I fell out of writing. I'm still wanting to write, but I've lost my ideas and overall my creativity when it comes to these stories, but I know you're all amazing writers and I wouldn't mind handing them off. My only request is that you message me so that I can make sure there aren't any duplicates by accident and so I can support you! Much love ❤ Kaylee


Hey, I know announcements are super annoying but I felt the feel to tell you all that you matter, your feelings are valid no matter how strong, and that there are people out there who care about you. My DMs are open if anyone needs a chat, or even just wants someone to cure boredom for a little bit. You're all beautiful inside and out and I love you. You can get through whatever you're going through, okay? Hang in there, love ❤