scrapping baby boy, I no longer have any more inspiration to continue the book, sorry


Hello Fellow Army! ♡
          We've been looking all over for you to give our Wushi Bangtan Awards a try! You can either take place as a participant or a judge. Plus, there are many exciting prizes for both participants and judges! Stop thinking and start doing! Click on the link below and check our book out. You'll find more information in our book about the Awards! ♡

          However, it depends on you if you want to enter and if you are willing to, Good luck! ♡


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hey fellow yeehawers, welcome to my school rant!! so basically, this ratty ass bitch named (i aint giving her real name so susan) susan, decided to be an asshat today. so my best friend told me this and im about to fight susan- so susan was walking by the stands in band (maybe orchestra for yall) and she was just brushing her hand by them. my best friend and her friends were playing their instruments right- but susan went by and knocked my best friend’s music off the stand. she didn’t apologize nor did she even look back. so it was definitely on purpose. :) susan and her little crew have been bothering my bestie lately and im seriously about to throw these hands :) 
          side note: ill update tomorrow because im going to a party today