
this message may be offensive
i have taken down all my books except for my random life and i. 
          	Juliet and Romeo, is not a fanfic I have interest in writing (partially bc id have to rewrite the fic because my dumbass didn't know what bisexuality was when i wrote it PLUS its filled to the BRIM with romanized korean and no jam jokes)
          	into the future was my first story and that story is just straight up bad. no partitions for paragraphs, a terrible story overall, just plain bad. 
          	neko adventure, while i love the story ive made with it, i actually have realized that id rather pursue the story as an anime or webcomic since the visual experience i want readers to see would never be shown bc i am not that good at writing.
          	thank you for reading these stories anyways :) -katie


this message may be offensive
i have taken down all my books except for my random life and i. 
          Juliet and Romeo, is not a fanfic I have interest in writing (partially bc id have to rewrite the fic because my dumbass didn't know what bisexuality was when i wrote it PLUS its filled to the BRIM with romanized korean and no jam jokes)
          into the future was my first story and that story is just straight up bad. no partitions for paragraphs, a terrible story overall, just plain bad. 
          neko adventure, while i love the story ive made with it, i actually have realized that id rather pursue the story as an anime or webcomic since the visual experience i want readers to see would never be shown bc i am not that good at writing.
          thank you for reading these stories anyways :) -katie


i’d like to bid my fellow wattpaders adue for now. the only author that i’ve been keeping up with will be deleting this app, so i shall be leaving for now.
          i might come back during the summer to update juliet and romeo or maybe even neko adventure, but we’ll see.
          so, thank you for the 3 years (holy-) here. i shall see you in june. 
          bye bye! stan bts •3• 
          ~ Katie!


(i’m not dying btw you can follow me on instagram and twitter, i’m still very active on both, okay bye!)