Hey!!!!  nice to meet you, I will post some weird things so don't stop looking at my account if you like weird stuff and ballons....well yeah, who doesn't like Ballons.

But here some question of what will I post:

-What tyepes of thing are you posting?
Thoughts of mine, some stories (love, horror, or comedy) I have in my computer and who nows some fanfics of yaoi *wink wink*

-I see you're profile picture is an Anime, do you like them?
Well yeah, I love them! and also I like youtubers (like PewDiePie, Cryotic, CinnamonToastKen, Shane Dawson TV, Smosh, Toby Turner, etc)

-Are you another emo girl who will write about their cutting and their emotions?
um, I don't think so- HEY! HAVE YOU SEEN MY DIARY?!

-Why are you doing this?
It's kinda fun to write stories so I want to share with you guys! so let's have some fun with my stupidshitty wattpad!! :D
  • watching some weird videos
  • JoinedSeptember 21, 2013
