
 Happy 2024
          	2024 is going awesome! I’m writing regularly again. Which is just awesome. I hope your new year is going amazing too. I started Twitch streaming (I’m really bad at it but having fun talking to myself).  
          	I also am almost done with my new story.  Once I finish Blood and Shadows I am going to finish Captive Princess (I might go back and edit the last chapter) after that I’ll try to finish Call Me Daddy. 
          	Thank you all so much for following me. 
          	Please show my new story some love. If you like something or don’t like something I’d love to know! I’m also looking for beta readers if anyone is interested.  
          	Blood and Shadows is going to get an update this afternoon around 5PM EST


 Happy 2024
          2024 is going awesome! I’m writing regularly again. Which is just awesome. I hope your new year is going amazing too. I started Twitch streaming (I’m really bad at it but having fun talking to myself).  
          I also am almost done with my new story.  Once I finish Blood and Shadows I am going to finish Captive Princess (I might go back and edit the last chapter) after that I’ll try to finish Call Me Daddy. 
          Thank you all so much for following me. 
          Please show my new story some love. If you like something or don’t like something I’d love to know! I’m also looking for beta readers if anyone is interested.  
          Blood and Shadows is going to get an update this afternoon around 5PM EST


Is this book available in Amazon 


@Gift889  I dont have them for sale anywhere unfortunately. 


Oh then where can I buy them ☺️


@Gift889  none of my books are


Since I'm on vacation I decided to read some of my stories and I discovered that if you read on mobile you get a video ad every two chapters. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who reads on mobile.  You guys are champions.