
Can someone write a post battle of Hogwarts ghost Collin creevy/ moaning Myrtle fic?  Please 


@Althea_7_  if you helped me with it. Like the details. I'd write it. 


@Althea_7_  omg idk where I'd start. Like I don't remember how he dies....or where....I would tho. Are you looking for a long fic or like a one shot? 


@Lovethegoodbooks write it????? Please???


Can someone write a post battle of Hogwarts ghost Collin creevy/ moaning Myrtle fic?  Please 


@Althea_7_  if you helped me with it. Like the details. I'd write it. 


@Althea_7_  omg idk where I'd start. Like I don't remember how he dies....or where....I would tho. Are you looking for a long fic or like a one shot? 


@Lovethegoodbooks write it????? Please???


I just realized a pretty massive plot hole in Half Blood Prince.
          When tf did Draco put madam rosmerta under the imperious curse? He had detention on the only hogsmeade trip of the year. 
          With all the restrictions and safety measures at the school how did he get the necklace to madam rosmerta? He didn’t bring it to school with him. 
          He didn’t know about any of the secret passages ways out of Hogwarts, because if he did he wouldn’t have needed the vanishing cabinet. 
          And even IF he found a way to sneak out of the school, how did he get all the way to London to purchase the necklace, he can’t apparate. 


@Potterchild24 This is the conclusion I came to too. 
            We know that Draco wasn't just using her to attempt to smuggle dark objects into the school, it was just one of his attempted methods to complete the mission. He was also using her to keep an eye on when Dumbledore left the castle. I think he says he used the same charm hermione used to organize the DA meetings, so when he leaves the castle to visit hogsmeade she would alert malfoy via the coin


Alright, here’s how I see it.
            I kind of always thought Rosmerta was imperiused earlier in the year, before Draco came back to Hogwarts.
            See, Draco never actually stated outright he was the one who cursed her and his whole plan revolved around the Vanishing Cabinets sneaking the Death Eaters into the school, for what reason would Rosmerta be needed for any part of that plan?
            However, as someone who while can’t enter Hogwarts as they pleases, she’s a beloved pub owner who comes in contact with both students and teachers from the school, and is considered a trustworthy ear (based on the fact the Minister himself in book 3 let her in on Sirius being the Potter’s Secret Keeper), therefore she’d be a useful informant to the Death Eaters.  Draco was merely given the reins so to speak, as a precaution should he need any outside help.
            And Draco didn’t have to bring the necklace to school with him, he could get Rosmerta to purchase it via Owl Order or a simple threatening letter to Borgin.
            If muggles can buy anything online, purchases using Owl post shouldn’t be any different for wizards.
            Though again, this is just my theory of it all.


@Althea_7_ dammnnn that's interesting. Hp is full of plot holes tho. Jkr couldn't write a plot to save her life 


Anyone want a Draco fic? No? Me neither. 
          Did I start writing one? 
          You betcha 


@MallGothReject thanks! I have a new chapter scheduled to come out tomorrow morning 


@Althea_7_ I read it and really liked it!!!


@MallGothReject I posted it earlier today!


I’ve had family staying with me all week, so I haven’t had much free time to sit down and edit chapter 9. 
          Unfortunately chapter 9 is one of the ones that needs A LOT of editing. My family is leaving on Tuesday, so I’ll try to get the new chapter out by Wednesday. 
          I’m sorry about the delay, and thank you guys for your patience with me! 


Hello may i please request that for blind spots you please post a chapter a day im really enjoying the series and waiting 3 days for a chapter to arrive is killing me so if its not too much work can u pls post a chapter a day i am so eager ,thank u for listening   loads of loveeee


@yeniphilouslovegood thank you so much your so sweet keep up the good work your such an icon and your book is fantastic   i get what you mean and i cant wait to see the outcome of this storrryyy 


@yeniphilouslovegood I'm really glad you like Blind Spots! I'm sitting down to edit the new chapter now! I won't stop until its ready to be published, so probably later tonight or tomorrow morning! 
            sadly I don't think I can stick to a daily update schedule. I have a handful of chapters that have been rewritten and edited and are just waiting to be published, but other chapters, like the one I'm editing tonight have gone through so many editing sessions they're basically frankenchapters with alternative beginnings middles and endings all stuffed into one chapter. 
            but thank you for messaging me this! sometimes I need a reminder to get things going!