
I know I said I’d have the next chapter out soon, and that is still the plan! But I just got hit with a lot of unexpected issues regarding my business, and I’m also taking on more administrative responsibilities at work, so it’s taken a toll on my ability to write.
          	I have the next few days off, though still dealing with my own business, but should have the next chapter out soon!
          	Sorry to let you all down 


Bro it's been like 2 months since 'A Lone Beacon". When are you gonna upload another chapter


@AStoryWithoutWords Fair enough. It's just that your stories (solstice and eclipse) are easily the best fanfictions I've ever read and I can't get enough of it. I'm honestly glad you're able to prioritize and do what you need to do in your life. Which martial art do you teach btw, if u don't mind me asking


Simply put, I don’t know. Please bear in mind that I work a full time job, own and operate a small business, and teach martial arts 4 nights a week.
            After 8 years, writing simply isn’t a priority at this point in my life. I still enjoy it, but I have little to no time to do anything for myself, and writing takes a long time. Time I simply do not have.


I know I said I’d have the next chapter out soon, and that is still the plan! But I just got hit with a lot of unexpected issues regarding my business, and I’m also taking on more administrative responsibilities at work, so it’s taken a toll on my ability to write.
          I have the next few days off, though still dealing with my own business, but should have the next chapter out soon!
          Sorry to let you all down 


It’s been a while, but I’m happy to say the next Chapter of Solstice and Eclipse is nearly complete and should hopefully be updated this weekend or next!
          Thanks for your patience! As a reward, this chapter will be close to double the usual length!


@AStoryWithoutWords LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@AStoryWithoutWords Hell yeah! Looking forward to it :)


          I just have a quick question.
          Will you try to adapt the MHA movies to Solstice and Eclipse?


That's awesome!


That is the plan, yes! But I have an extremely limited amount of free time to write and it just keeps getting more and more difficult. But the goal is to adapt at least the second movie 


Hello! it's been quite some time since I've been on this app. But I'm so glad to see you are still here and working hard on your stories you're writing. I hope you remember me since our rp message sadly got deleted. I plan to get on more often and I added all Solstice and Eclipse parts to my library and I plan on reading them soon! Can't wait to read what you've written! 


Hi Z! Of course I remember you! You were a great help in flushing out the character for Solstice and Eclipse! It’s so great to hear from you again! I hope life has been treating you well! 
            Feel free to shoot me a message on discord a_story_without_words2518


Solstice and Eclipse Part IV Chapter XX: Set Fire to the World is available on my Patreon!
          Any free time I’ve had this weekend has gone to getting this finished for you all! Thank you so much for your patience as I continue to navigate the responsibilities of running a business while still working a full time job!
          It will be available on Wattpad by Friday!


@AStoryWithoutWords Hell yeah, looking forward to it


I keep getting asked this question and I don’t have the time to keep replying to everyone, so I’m going to address it here and any further questions concerning it will be disregarded.
          Yes, many of my stories are missing chapters. Wattpad updated their terms of service and any works containing explicitly sexual content are being removed. To avoid this, I had to remove the chapters that would violate those conditions, lest the whole story be removed.


@Legend_of_Cum the underscores is what makes it so hard to find. Most of their works aren't uploaded yet though 


@Legend_of_Cum /users/A_Story_Without_Words


@Arno-Dorito I can't find it, I'm terrible at looking though archive. What is it?