* that's a sexc bio
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── my bio is still under co. but like ,,,,, cb for starters from emo afro man, yo B)
* that's a sexc bio
s-sorry , sorry , i didn't mean to bump into⎯ what . who are you ?
" yeah, that about... sums this whole thing up. how did this even happen, anyway? is this a- a supercomputer malfunction thing, or... " jeremy's just assuming things at this point, expecting that this parallel universe thing he's in also includes the whole squip shit. if it doesn't, he probably sounds crazy right now.
the freckled boy shoots the other a wary glance, fiddling awkwardly with the sleeves of his cardigan as he tuned in carefully to the other's words, moving so that his eyes were on anything but the boy in front of him. the stranger who had a best friend named jeremy heere; whose name was michael mell. whose skin was pale and voice was white unlike the michael jeremy himself had grown up together with. it's almost uncomfortable⎯ the mere thought of having a whole new michael mell as his best friend, replaced with one so unfamiliar. " oh, " jeremy coughs, head tilting upward to look at michael once again. " uh, my michael's more, uhm. he's filipino and ecuadorian, and he always wears this red hoodie with like, a /ton/ of patches, and he's⎯ " he freezes and shuts up at the... compliment? and feels his cheeks grow warm, feels his heartbeat pick up just the littlest of bits. he's yet to get used to being called cute, or anything related to it, really. " /oh/, " jeremy echoes from before, voice squeaking as he mumbles a shy thanks. if jeremy was expecting something from this new michael mell, it wasn't that. he lets a smile stretch across his face, friendly, tightlipped, and small. " uh, m-me too! " jeremy blubbers, grinning sheepishly. " bisexual, right? rad.... " fuck, fuck, stop being awkward. " my michael's, uhm- he likes bob marley, and collecting old sodas at the backroom of spencer's gifts, and- and, he, uh, he's just gay. so. " he's still awkward, stumbling on his words and constantly stuttering, face scrunching in frustration.
── @2NDPLAYER " yeah , yeah , i do . " in no way should this just be a stupid / coincidence , / this is real shit . " except he's ... emo , and shit . wears all black , dark bags under his eyes , flat brown hair . " michael flats down his own mess of an afro for emphasis , pausing briefly . " although , i have to admit , you are awfully cuter than him . " michael grins , eyes not-so-subtly glancing him up and down . let's just say that / this / michael mell is a lot more blunt ; speaks his mind freely without a care in the world . " also , yeah , 'dunno if / your / michael mell digs dudes , but i swing both ways . " the blonde shrugs , stuffing both of his hands in his baggy jean pockets . " i'm also kinda emo too , so .... okay , fuck , i'm totally getting off track --- " " so you're telling me , that your name is the exact same as my best friends , and my name is the exact same as / your / best friends ?? "
M I C H A E L ! Do you pass the v i b e c h e c k ?
@AFRONERDS * Nicole giggled and grinned happily * thanks ! I plan on making red ones too ! * she started ruffling through her backpack * I also have some blue ones somewhere ...
── @snowbunny- michael blinks , before laughing , a hand raising to poke the worm-on-a-string earrings . " wow , you're adorable . " he snickers , free hand stuffed in his pocket .
@AFRONERDS If you’re a vibe you would’ve noticed how much of a vibe my WORM ON STRING E A R R I N G S ARE ! ! * Nicole pointed at her ears, which had like green worm on string earrings attached to them *
── my bio is still under co. but like ,,,,, cb for starters from emo afro man, yo B)
/ IT'S HIM!!
* MBV !!!!
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Duration: 2 days