
this message may be offensive
I can be the calmest person you ever meet, but if you wanna say some shit abt me or someone close I will expose you, I know the little “lore” behind you honey, I can ruin your stupid fucking life in seconds so shut the hell up you dumb bitch, I’m legit not as stupid as I look/seem.


this message may be offensive
@SuccessForMyBuddy HOLY FUCK HEYY


@-TheRealSalFisher- I can quite believe this, but then again nobody knows anything about me, or my friends, sorry if this sounds rude lol, it's not meant to, I just came back onto here after studying for some stupid state testing so yeh.


this message may be offensive
I can be the calmest person you ever meet, but if you wanna say some shit abt me or someone close I will expose you, I know the little “lore” behind you honey, I can ruin your stupid fucking life in seconds so shut the hell up you dumb bitch, I’m legit not as stupid as I look/seem.


this message may be offensive
@SuccessForMyBuddy HOLY FUCK HEYY


@-TheRealSalFisher- I can quite believe this, but then again nobody knows anything about me, or my friends, sorry if this sounds rude lol, it's not meant to, I just came back onto here after studying for some stupid state testing so yeh.


Hey guys!! so cps got called and allat, i will be gone for a while, stay safe and i love you guys!!


thanks for the follow!! How did you find my account if you don't mind me asking?


"your Jordans are fake." NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMINUBYDVETNSWWWBTTTTYU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


@-TheRealSalFisher- I don't wear Jordan's. My main shoes are Converse or Air forces, so no I haven't