Why is it that people decide who you are without even talking to you? Maybe you are to quiet to tell them different? Mae Quinn Foster is plain Mae Quinn Foster hasn't spoke 5 words since kindergarten Mae Quinn Foster Will never compare to Stacy Lynn Foster Mae Quinn Foster is a junior in high school, she keeps to herself, she will do anything for everyone else and when she is comfortable with you, she clings to you, having Mae Foster as a friend isn't a bad thing, but only Carly Nobles her long time best friend and her boyfriend Zander Macdonald know who she really is. Its always been hard for Mae to be noticed because she has, loud mouth soccer captain, homecoming queen and (future prom queen) Stacy Lynn Foster as an older sister, they have always been polar opposites. But mae is ready to be heard. She just doesn't know it yet, she is someone they'd all least expect.