Forever & Alway...
By zharandjulia
  • Romance


Preview.. While I was walking home I accidentally ran into someone "Watch where your-" the person paused as I looked up to see who it was. It was Luke. "S-Sorry" I stuttered looking back down at the ground "It's okay, aren't you suppose to be walking home with that friend of yours? Paige was it?" he asked "Yeah but, she's hanging out with someone right now so she can't" I replied "Oh, then I'll walk you home" Luke replied. "You really don't have-" he cut me off "Don't be stupid, it's dangerous to walk alone in this time of day" he replied "O-Okay.." I stuttered as we both started walking to my house. When I made it to my house Luke said bye & I did too then quickly went into my house, then my room & hopped onto my bed with a normal expression then happy expression. "I walked home with Luke.." I said to myself with a huge smile on my face as I slowly started to fall asleep.

Chapter 1

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by zharandjulia