Her Letters to John...
By love-from-jhune
  • Non-Fiction
  • herletterstojohn
  • kiel
  • letters
  • love
  • love-from-jhune
  • movingon
  • nonfiction
  • realization
  • short
  • teen
  • teencrisis


Love does not hurt. Loving the wrong person for the wrong reason does. But it doesn't always mean that you are wrong when you are hurting, sometimes it's nature's way of telling you and letting you feel that something is not right or that its too much already. You will know what that person really feels when you look at that person's eyes. Always remember do not be deceived by your own feelings. When you're happy with the memories that you made with that person than being happy by longing to be at that person's side, CONGRATULATIONS! You've moved on! But just because you've moved on doesn't mean you have also let go or, you have let go you already have moved on. Think again, things may fade but it would always remain in your heart, in your mind and in your memories.

Letter Entry #1

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Her Lette...
by love-from-jhune