Rogue Bounty Hunter
By DevilWorshipper666
  • Adventure
  • linisnotweird
  • snowinparadise


The Nemesis a massive battle ship built to help protect the outer district from rogue bounty hunters. They were a group of lethal hunters who tracked criminals down who had broken out of prison and take them back, but now they hunt and kill whenever and whoever they please for a price of course. One of them is Wynter, she is the most dangerous of the Rogue bounty hunters and has committed crimes of treason, murder, and many other crimes. She is the leader of the recently rebeled bounty hunters and the most dangerous as she has somehow aquired a suit of Tyken armor. Christina a Corporal officer is hell bent on destroying everyone of the Rogue bounty hunters except one, the leader of them she is to capture her an take her home where she lived and trained but now she must come back to be tried and then punished for all that she did

Kidnapped or Captured

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Rogue Bou...
by DevilWorshipper666