Min Familie
By _ellie_writes_
  • Fanfiction
  • aph
  • aphdenmark
  • aphfinland
  • aphiceland
  • aphnordics
  • aphnorway
  • aphsweden
  • hetalia
  • hetaliadenmark
  • hetaliafinland
  • hetaliaiceland
  • hetalianordics
  • hetalianorway
  • hetaliasweden
  • history
  • minfamilie
  • nordic5
  • scandinavia


"I was all alone, and then you two came, and you saved me. I...I thank you for that. I'd have been mauled to death if it weren't for you two. Who are you, anyway?" He asked softly. The features of the other two men softened, the left one grinned widely and the one on the right even cracked a small smile. "Well, sir," The shorter one answered, "We go by the names Mathias and Berwald. How about you? What should we call you?" "Me? Ah, they call me Lukas. Are you...like me?" Nodding, the loud one replied, "Yes, indeed we are." As the two figures pulled their hoods back to reveal their faces, the other tall figure spoke in a far lower voice, "And we've been looking for you, Kongeriket Norge." - Hmm, I'm not sure what this book really is. I just got bored and started writing it. I guess it's how I imagined the Nordics meeting each other? I intend to include important events in Scandinavian history such as Kalmar Union, Treaty of Kiel and such, although please don't expect this book to be completely historically accurate. This is just a little thing I'm doing for fun, and it's not a history textbook, okay? Heheh. Also! There'll more than likely be some DenNor, SuNor, and SuFin!

~ Norge ~

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Min Famil...
by _ellie_writes_