By dancingcosmos
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • complex
  • curiosity
  • discovery
  • fantasy
  • goddesses
  • lesbian
  • nonbinary
  • plottwist
  • scifi


Gifted, powerful Thesselaine, Called by the goddess of chaos as a baby, has lived on the goddess's temple all their life. Painfully curious, Thess would much rather spend time in the temple market with the merchant-travelers from all over the Realms than with the rest of the Called. The great wanderer Moanuni has spent centuries traveling between Realms, spreading blessings and joy wherever she goes. That's the goal, anyway - sometimes chaos comes too, depending on if she brought her girlfriend along this time. It's kind of her job, as the goddess of travel and everything. But Thess has never felt like they belonged in this place that defies logic and reason, and Moa's wanderings cut short with a series of bizarre discoveries. The universe feels like it's unraveling around them...but, as they discover after a chance confrontation, the unraveling is only the beginning, and nothing has ever been as it seemed. Improvised ziplines? Lesbian goddesses? Sky Handsomeness Indexes? Death-defying inventions? Mermaid libraries? Sentient plant things? Breakdowns over being cold? World-altering paradigm shifts? Existential despair? If any of these sound like your thing, or even if they don't, take a leap of faith on this story...and step into the unknown.


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by dancingcosmos