The Opposite
By ascertain
  • Teen Fiction
  • fiction
  • humor
  • teen


Callie Lavery is a badass with semi intelligence and criminal blood runs in her veins. Callie may sound like a sweet name for a sweet girl but once you cross this chick, shit will go down. Then we have a sweet nervous boy who reads books, enjoys rain and passes all his classes. Did I mention they're all Advanced classes? Noah O'Connor isn't a nerd, he is more than that. So what he quotes famous dead people, has memorised the whole periodic table of elements and doesn't drink or smoke? He has his life pretty much sorted out. A collision between the two brings out extraordinary things like maybe babies. Or not. Every school year they have The Happy Project, when these two get paired up Noah is faced with a real challenge. He finds out there is more to Callie than just a girl who trips people in the hallway or spray paints private buildings. Will he break all her walls and get through to her? ========================================== No one ever said only guys can be badasses right? Warning: badass likes to swear and it will not be censored.

The Opposite

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The Oppos...
by ascertain