Inevitably Broken (...
By NinaMarie13
  • Teen Fiction


Kaitlin Summers is your average high school girl. She doesn't like jocks and she thinks cheerleading is overrated. She keeps to herself and doesn't stand in anyone's way. Her parents are never home and she always feels lonely. That is except for the fact of her best friend, Taylor Rothlins. Taylor Rothlins is your average jock. He's star of the lacrosse team and he's dating the captain of the cheerleading team. The only thing different in his life, is his best friend Kaitling Summers, also known as Kat. His parents abuse him, but no one knows because of the cool, collected and funny facade that he poses. What happens if two best friends who are meant to be together suddenly switch lives? What happens if you wake up one morning, but your not.... Yourself? What happens when you realize that your in yout best friends body? Join Kaitlin and Taylor as they overcome obstacles to find out who they are and who their meant to become.

I'm in my best friends body.....Except he's a guy.

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by NinaMarie13