Country Girls Do It...
By phantomhippy03
  • General Fiction
  • country
  • countryboys
  • countrygirls
  • cowboy
  • cowgirl
  • emo
  • fiction
  • horses
  • horsetraining
  • love
  • romance
  • spiritual
  • teen-ficton
  • wattys2018
  • western


She was a 17 Year old country girl with a mind of her own. He was an 18 year old country boy who was stubborn as a mule... Let's see who wins. Kate Leeson is the kind of girl who can go from makeup to mud in three seconds flat. The kind of girl that hates when people tell her that she can't do something. She had a hard childhood and is not used to people treating her respectfully. That all changes when she meets hard-headed Hunter Smith. He prides himself on treating women the way God intended for them to be treated, not the way society treats them. He is determined to get through Kate's high walls. And he wants to do it before they graduate. Can he?

Chapter 1

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Country G...
by phantomhippy03