Stuck on Snuckel
By CharlieBookbury
  • Fanfiction
  • moosnuckel
  • terrorsnuckel
  • thegamingterroriser


Brian swung open the classroom's door to reveal Brock, the teacher from across the hall. His irritation melted as soon as he took in the shy smile in front of him. "H-Hey, Br-er, Mr. Snuckel," he corrected himself. Teachers aren't supposed to call one another by their first names in front of the students, he reminded himself. "What can I do for you?" Brock's smile widened. "Could I borrow your stapler?" "Of course," Brian said, lightly jogging over to his desk to retrieve it and hand it over to his fellow teacher. "You lose yours?" Brock shook his head, his hand lingering just a second too long as he took the stapler. "Mine decided to just stop working. And I have about 70 vocab packets to put together before my planning period is over," he sighed. "This is what I get for procrastinating, I guess." Brian leaned against the doorframe, "That'll teach you, huh?" Or Brock and Brian are adorkable teachers who just need to get together already. When their students get tired of waiting for them to make a move, they take it upon themselves to help their teachers.

Chapter One: Mondays Suck

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Stuck on...
by CharlieBookbury