Dreams in the Dista...
By Midnight_Lilac
  • Fantasy
  • fantasy
  • interdimensional
  • lord
  • power
  • royalty
  • timetravel
  • travel


* THIS IS A COPYRIGHTED STORY OF MINE, MIDNIGHT_LILAC, PUBLISHED ON WATTPAD. IF YOU FIND IT ON ANY OTHER WEBSITE, IT HAS BEEN COPIED/REPUBLISHED WITHOUT MY CONSENT AND YOU ARE LIKELY AT A RISK OF A MALWARE ATTACK. IF YOU WISH TO READ THIS STORY IN ITS ORIGINAL, SAFE FORM, PLEASE GO TO WATTPAD * During the era of continuous technological advancement, inventing and working with a time machine could possibly be one of the most astounding breakthroughs in the field of science. With the ability to travel though time, the truth about our ancestors and their way of living can be documented and told to the world with much more accuracy. What the future holds can be seen and measures to prevent the destruction of Earth and mankind can be implemented. But along with great discoveries come great risks. One little spark was all that was needed to throw Kaya's life upside down. Thrown into a world that anyone would think to be a fantasy, Kaya ends up in the hands of one of the most powerful and feared Lords to have ever existed. He has no weakness, he shows no mercy. He is the only person that others of his kind see as absolutely heartless. However, despite how cold and cruel he is on the outside, there is a gentleness that Kaya comes to notice inside. It isn't a weakness but a symbol of strong self control. While doing her best to adapt to the drastic change in lifestyle, Kaya finds herself drawn closer to this stoic yet kind Lord. But domestic affairs and authority surrounding a powerful Lord are not kind to those who don't know how to handle its darkness. If not cautious, you can get burned. And the Lord is the only one who can protect Kaya from the darkness that threatens her safety. Or perhaps, it's the other way around? ~~~~~~~~~~ ORIGINAL STORY, PLOT AND CHARACTERS (C) Midnight_Lilac


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Dreams in...
by Midnight_Lilac