Dream | e. o'c
By StoriesInTheHowls
  • Fanfiction
  • crazy
  • dream
  • enochoconnor
  • imaginedragons
  • insanity
  • literate
  • lonely
  • missperegrineshomeforpeculiarchildren
  • misunderstood
  • mphfpc
  • romance


The peculiars have lived a long happy non-ageing life. Every day is the same. At least until it is revealed that there is another child living in the house that they've never seen. And Enoch is determined to find out who this mystery peculiar is and why they've never been seen. --- Prism is a very violent peculiar, shipped into different loops because she couldn't be handled. It got so bad that when she was sent to the 1943 loop, Miss Peregrine locked her in a room to herself. Never to be revealed. When Prism's existence is revealed, nobody wants to see her ever again. Except for a curious peculiar, who has his mind set on giving her back the humanity she was constantly denied. Based off the film.

1| Dust From the Ceiling

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Dream | e...
by StoriesInTheHowls