Another Harry Potte...
By shadowray17
  • Fanfiction
  • better
  • dumstring
  • gods
  • happy
  • harrypotter
  • life
  • percyjackson
  • quidditch
  • safe


Once upon a time there was a little boy. This little boy can be no bigger than a two year old. He resides in a small cupboard under the stairs. This boy learned early on not to make noise. Or he will get hurt. One day out of the blue this two year old disappeared without any clues. The family that resides in the house have no weary eyes over the missing toddler. While four people elsewhere on the globe found a sleeping toddler cover in bruises and skinny as a stick. However this was not a fairy tale. This is a story of Harry Potter. A version of new happiness. {disclaimer I do not own Harry Potter or Percy Jackson I own my original ccharacters and plot.}

The begining

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Another H...
by shadowray17