Two Truths And A Lie
By AmberBabyyy
  • Teen Fiction


I know you may heard of Double Trouble , well these two twins fit that description. Gem and Charm are two sisters that have been separated since they were born. Although they may look the same they are both very different from each other. Gem is a young girl that had rough experience at life before she could get a chance to grow up the way a young women should. She was raised by a single women who is dying from cancer and taught her how to be a women as she was a little girl while living in the projects. Charm is a wild girl that just wants to have fun at any cost. She was raised by a rich family who has given her everything she did and didn't desire. Charm was sexually abused by her foster father for years until she decided enough is enough and found a way out. Both the twins turn to stripping as a job and a comfort spot for their troubles. Although they reunite at the club they both strip at, they both find out something that can separate them forever. Will this news put an end to a sister bond or will they face it together?

The beginning

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Two Truth...
by AmberBabyyy