Songs for my Melody
By Ravendrop
  • Teen Fiction
  • bully
  • highschool
  • letters
  • music
  • notes
  • outcast
  • reject
  • songlyrics
  • songs
  • teenfiction


(PREVIOUSLY KNOWN AS LYRIC'S SONG, BUT THE PLOT HAS BEEN CHANGED SINCE THEN) *** Emora has never been much of a people person. If given the choice, she would keep to herself and avoid any conflict at all cost. So naturally, when her father forces them to move states, she doesn't fight it, not wanting to create tension with the person keeping a roof over her head. Using the lessons she's leaned from previous experiences (main lesson: people create DRAMA), she says something to her classmates to make sure the drama stays away. Let's just say not everything goes as planned and instead of repelling people, she lures unwanted attention from, well, everyone. The students slowly edge away at her already low self esteem with taunts and teases, but what if she gained the attention of more than just them? What if she lured a certain open-minded boy to join her in the disaster she calls a life? As she tries to block out the world with her headphones, a certain someone slithers their way past her barriers, using her main weakness: music.

Author's Note~ I'm Sorry!!!!

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Songs for...
by Ravendrop