Final Fantasy: Chil...
By AmbitionOVOxo
  • Fantasy
  • fantasy
  • final
  • finalfantasy
  • lightningfarron
  • noctis
  • noctisluciscaelum
  • squareenix


FINAL FANTASY XIII and FINAL FANTASY XV crossover I dont own Final Fantasy (owned by Square Enix) its a game that delivers amazing stories and I wanna try make my own twist with two Groups of FF characters from XIII(13) and XV(15) The story is about a prince (Noctis Lucis Caelum) who found out that he was the chosen one who will stop Niflheim and its army from attacking the world and obtaining the remaining two crystals in Cocoon and Insomnia to use its powers to invade the world and make it their own. The King (King Regis Lucis Caelum) sent Noctis and his comrades to meet the princesses of Tenebrae (Stella and Lunafreya Nox Fleuret) but when Noctis Left the shield of Insomnia that protected the city long ago had shut down and easy for Niflheim to invade. Niflheim knew the only way to get to the Crystal is through the Prince.. Cocoon is a beautiful City who is protected by Guardian Shiva. Except when Niflheim invaded the city for the crystal Lighting Farron stepped in and tried to stop it along with her friends Hope,Vanille, Fang, Sazh and Snow. But no good than came The Prince of Lucis | Characters and Title by Square Enix, Written by AmbitionOVOxo|


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Final Fan...
by AmbitionOVOxo