Damaged Innocence(H...
By xdreamcatcherxx
  • Fanfiction


“Man, she’s from fucking North Pacific. You think she actually wants some poor guy from South Pacific? We’re trash to her. She’s the little innocent, rich, blonde girl that has no worries except for what she wants to buy with her unlimited credit card.” “She wants those guys that wear the plaid and can buy her diamonds for no reason. Not guys like us that can only offer her, what, some drugs? What do you think she’ll want? An ounce of weed or a diamond necklace?” Zayn asked. “That all may be true, but that doesn’t mean I couldn’t get in her pants.” I said defiantly. “You actually believe you could get Scarlet to sleep with you?” Zayn asked with raised eyebrows. “Yep.” I replied. “Fine, let’s bet on it.” Zayn said with a devilish smile. “Fine.” I shrugged. “Shake on it.” Liam instructed. I held my hand out, as did Zayn. We shook firmly. “You have 2 months, Harry.” 2 months. I had two months to make Scarlet fall for me and have sex for me. Two months to earn her trust, and then break it for a bet. “Deal."

Damaged Innocence(Harry Styles)

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Damaged I...
by xdreamcatcherxx