A Love Lost is a Le...
By MzTexas95
  • Romance
  • africanamerican
  • black
  • children
  • comedy
  • cursing
  • dancing
  • forgiveness
  • genesis
  • hate
  • heart
  • jasmine
  • jersey
  • love
  • marriage
  • new
  • newark
  • south
  • twins
  • urban


After parking the car and getting out to lock it foot steps padded across the pavement to a blue door knocking three times was followed. The door opened and it revealed a woman, who was once smaller but now her body was more pronounced with curves: her bust was bigger, and her hips wider, thighs thicker, but face still as beautiful. She lost none of her glamor but in fact it was enhanced with the curves. There was a shine in her cheeks but dimmed, and her eyes lost the beautiful gleam that was once in them on the daily basis. "Baby, who's that?" The one on the outside of the door heard the very familiar voice and his eyes widened when the man's voice he knew since he was younger came around the corner. Catastrophe exploded as the two men were battling throwing fists. "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!" The female who answered the door yelled. That voice didn't help anything until a cry came from the room stopping the entire fight. "Mamma!" the baby boy cried running over to his mother's legs holding on tight. The woman knelt down and picked the boy up. That stopped both the men allowing them to separate. A woman appeared from out of the kitchen with a baby on her hip. Then another boy around the same age came around the corner and held onto the first woman's leg looking at the intruder. He looked at the man then the woman, "Mamma who's that man?" The intruder looked at the boy at the first woman's feet then at the boy in her arms and realized his most detrimental mistake in his life. He left his family.

The Return

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A Love Lo...
by MzTexas95